Index: gc_core/py/oxt/OptionsDialog.xcs
--- gc_core/py/oxt/OptionsDialog.xcs
+++ gc_core/py/oxt/OptionsDialog.xcs
@@ -14,14 +14,28 @@
The data for one leaf.
+ The data for one leaf.
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
ADDED gc_core/py/oxt/
Index: gc_core/py/oxt/
--- /dev/null
+++ gc_core/py/oxt/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Helpers for LibreOffice extension
+import os
+import traceback
+import uno
+from import PropertyValue
+from import RuntimeException as _rtex
+def xray (myObject):
+ "XRay - API explorer"
+ try:
+ sm = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
+ mspf = sm.createInstanceWithContext("", uno.getComponentContext())
+ scriptPro = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
+ xScript = scriptPro.getScript("")
+ xScript.invoke((myObject,), (), ())
+ return
+ except:
+ raise _rtex("\nBasic library Xray is not installed", uno.getComponentContext())
+def mri (ctx, xTarget):
+ "MRI - API Explorer"
+ try:
+ xMri = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("mytools.Mri", ctx)
+ xMri.inspect(xTarget)
+ except:
+ raise _rtex("\nPython extension MRI is not installed", uno.getComponentContext())
+def getConfigSetting (sNodeConfig, bUpdate=False):
+ "get a configuration node"
+ # example: xNode = getConfigSetting("/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Path/Current", False)
+ xSvMgr = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
+ xConfigProvider = xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext("", uno.getComponentContext())
+ xPropertyValue = uno.createUnoStruct("")
+ xPropertyValue.Name = "nodepath"
+ xPropertyValue.Value = sNodeConfig
+ if bUpdate:
+ sService = ""
+ else:
+ sService = ""
+ return xConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(sService, (xPropertyValue,)) # return xNode
+def printServices (o):
+ for s in o.getAvailableServiceNames():
+ print(' > '+s)
+def getWindowSize ():
+ "return main window size"
+ xCurCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
+ xDesktop = xCurCtx.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext('', xCurCtx)
+ xContainerWindow = xDesktop.getCurrentComponent().CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
+ xWindowSize = xContainerWindow.convertSizeToLogic(xContainerWindow.Size, uno.getConstantByName(""))
+ #print(xContainerWindow.Size.Width, ">", xWindowSize.Width)
+ #print(xContainerWindow.Size.Height, ">", xWindowSize.Height)
+ xWindowSize.Width = xWindowSize.Width * 0.666
+ xWindowSize.Height = xWindowSize.Height * 0.666
+ return xWindowSize
+def getAbsolutePathOf (sPath=""):
+ xDefaultContext = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager.DefaultContext
+ xPackageInfoProvider = xDefaultContext.getValueByName("/singletons/")
+ sFullPath = xPackageInfoProvider.getPackageLocation("")
+ if sPath and not sPath.startswith("/"):
+ sPath = "/" + sPath
+ sFullPath = sFullPath[8:] + sPath
+ return os.path.abspath(sFullPath)
Index: gc_lang/fr/config.ini
--- gc_lang/fr/config.ini
+++ gc_lang/fr/config.ini
@@ -73,19 +73,21 @@
oxt/_img/Algoo_logo.png = img/Algoo_logo.png
oxt/_img/grammalecte_16.bmp = img/grammalecte_16.bmp
oxt/_img/french_flag_16.bmp = img/french_flag_16.bmp
# AppLauncher
oxt/ =
-oxt/ = pythonpath/
# About
oxt/About/ = pythonpath/
oxt/About/ = pythonpath/
# Dictionaries
oxt/Dictionnaires/dictionaries = dictionaries
oxt/Dictionnaires/dictionaries.xcu = dictionaries.xcu
oxt/Dictionnaires/ = pythonpath/
oxt/Dictionnaires/ = pythonpath/
+# Dictionary Options
+oxt/DictOptions/ = pythonpath/
+oxt/DictOptions/ = pythonpath/
# ContextMenu
oxt/ContextMenu/ =
oxt/ContextMenu/jobs.xcu = config/jobs.xcu
# TextFormatter
oxt/TextFormatter/ = pythonpath/
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/
@@ -40,10 +40,14 @@
elif sCmd == "TF":
import TextFormatter
xDialog = TextFormatter.TextFormatter(self.ctx)
+ elif sCmd == "DI":
+ import DictOptions
+ xDialog = DictOptions.DictOptions(self.ctx)
elif sCmd == "DS":
import DictionarySwitcher
xDialog = DictionarySwitcher.FrenchDictionarySwitcher(self.ctx)
elif sCmd == "MA":
ADDED gc_lang/fr/oxt/DictOptions/
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/DictOptions/
--- /dev/null
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/DictOptions/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Dictionary Options
+# by Olivier R.
+# License: MPL 2
+import unohelper
+import uno
+import traceback
+import time
+import helpers
+import do_strings
+from import XJobExecutor
+from import XActionListener
+from import PropertyValue
+class DictOptions (unohelper.Base, XActionListener, XJobExecutor):
+ def __init__ (self, ctx):
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ self.xSvMgr = self.ctx.ServiceManager
+ self.xContainer = None
+ self.xDialog = None
+ def _addWidget (self, name, wtype, x, y, w, h, **kwargs):
+ xWidget = self.xDialog.createInstance('' % wtype)
+ xWidget.Name = name
+ xWidget.PositionX = x
+ xWidget.PositionY = y
+ xWidget.Width = w
+ xWidget.Height = h
+ for k, w in kwargs.items():
+ setattr(xWidget, k, w)
+ self.xDialog.insertByName(name, xWidget)
+ return xWidget
+ def run (self, sLang):
+ dUI = do_strings.getUI(sLang)
+ self.xSettingNode = helpers.getConfigSetting("/org.openoffice.Lightproof_grammalecte/Other/", True)
+ # dialog
+ self.xDialog = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('', self.ctx)
+ self.xDialog.Width = 200
+ self.xDialog.Height = 255
+ self.xDialog.Title = dUI.get('title', "#title#")
+ xWindowSize = helpers.getWindowSize()
+ self.xDialog.PositionX = int((xWindowSize.Width / 2) - (self.xDialog.Width / 2))
+ self.xDialog.PositionY = int((xWindowSize.Height / 2) - (self.xDialog.Height / 2))
+ # fonts
+ xFDTitle = uno.createUnoStruct("")
+ xFDTitle.Height = 9
+ xFDTitle.Weight = uno.getConstantByName("")
+ xFDTitle.Name = "Verdana"
+ xFDSubTitle = uno.createUnoStruct("")
+ xFDSubTitle.Height = 8
+ xFDSubTitle.Weight = uno.getConstantByName("")
+ xFDSubTitle.Name = "Verdana"
+ # widget
+ nX = 10
+ nY1 = 10
+ nY2 = nY1 + 50
+ nY3 = nY2 + 70
+ nWidth = self.xDialog.Width - 20
+ nHeight = 10
+ # Spell checker section
+ self._addWidget("spelling_section", 'FixedLine', nX, nY1, nWidth, nHeight, Label = dUI.get("spelling_section", "#err"), FontDescriptor = xFDTitle)
+ self.xGraphspell = self._addWidget('activate_main', 'CheckBox', nX, nY1+15, nWidth, nHeight, Label = dUI.get('activate_main', "#err"))
+ self._addWidget('activate_main_descr', 'FixedText', nX, nY1+25, nWidth, nHeight*2, Label = dUI.get('activate_main_descr', "#err"), MultiLine = True)
+ # Spell suggestion engine section
+ self._addWidget("suggestion_section", 'FixedLine', nX, nY2, nWidth, nHeight, Label = dUI.get("suggestion_section", "#err"), FontDescriptor = xFDTitle)
+ self.xGraphspellSugg = self._addWidget('activate_spell_sugg', 'CheckBox', nX, nY2+15, nWidth, nHeight, Label = dUI.get('activate_spell_sugg', "#err"))
+ self._addWidget('activate_spell_sugg_descr', 'FixedText', nX, nY2+25, nWidth, nHeight*4, Label = dUI.get('activate_spell_sugg_descr', "#err"), MultiLine = True)
+ # Personal dictionary section
+ self._addWidget("personal_section", 'FixedLine', nX, nY3, nWidth, nHeight, Label = dUI.get("personal_section", "#err"), FontDescriptor = xFDTitle)
+ self.xPersonalDic = self._addWidget('activate_personal', 'CheckBox', nX, nY3+15, nWidth, nHeight, Label = dUI.get('activate_personal', "#err"))
+ self._addWidget('activate_personnal_descr', 'FixedText', nX, nY3+25, nWidth, nHeight*3, Label = dUI.get('activate_personal_descr', "#err"), MultiLine = True)
+ self._addWidget('import_personal', 'FixedText', nX, nY3+55, nWidth-60, nHeight, Label = dUI.get('import_personal', "#err"), FontDescriptor = xFDSubTitle)
+ self.xMsg = self._addWidget('msg', 'FixedText', nX, nY3+65, nWidth-50, nHeight, Label = "[néant]")
+ self._addWidget('import_button', 'Button', self.xDialog.Width-50, nY3+65, 40, 10, Label = dUI.get('import_button', "#err"), TextColor = 0x005500)
+ self._addWidget('create_dictionary', 'FixedText', nX, nY3+75, nWidth, nHeight*2, Label = dUI.get('create_dictionary', "#err"), MultiLine = True)
+ # Button
+ self._addWidget('apply_button', 'Button', self.xDialog.Width-120, self.xDialog.Height-25, 50, 14, Label = dUI.get('apply_button', "#err"), FontDescriptor = xFDTitle, TextColor = 0x005500)
+ self._addWidget('cancel_button', 'Button', self.xDialog.Width-60, self.xDialog.Height-25, 50, 14, Label = dUI.get('cancel_button', "#err"), FontDescriptor = xFDTitle, TextColor = 0x550000)
+ self._loadOptions()
+ # container
+ self.xContainer = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('', self.ctx)
+ self.xContainer.setModel(self.xDialog)
+ self.xContainer.getControl('apply_button').addActionListener(self)
+ self.xContainer.getControl('apply_button').setActionCommand('Apply')
+ self.xContainer.getControl('import_button').addActionListener(self)
+ self.xContainer.getControl('import_button').setActionCommand('Import')
+ self.xContainer.getControl('cancel_button').addActionListener(self)
+ self.xContainer.getControl('cancel_button').setActionCommand('Cancel')
+ self.xContainer.setVisible(False)
+ toolkit = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('', self.ctx)
+ self.xContainer.createPeer(toolkit, None)
+ self.xContainer.execute()
+ # XActionListener
+ def actionPerformed (self, xActionEvent):
+ try:
+ xChild = self.xSettingNode.getByName("o_fr")
+ if xActionEvent.ActionCommand == 'Apply':
+ xChild.setPropertyValue("graphspell", self.xGraphspell.State)
+ xChild.setPropertyValue("graphspellsugg", self.xGraphspellSugg.State)
+ #xChild.setPropertyValue("extended_dic", self.xExtendedDic.State)
+ xChild.setPropertyValue("personal_dic", self.xPersonalDic.State)
+ self.xSettingNode.commitChanges()
+ elif xActionEvent.ActionCommand == "Import":
+ xFilePicker = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('', self.ctx)
+ xFilePicker.appendFilter("Supported files", "*.json; *.bdic")
+ #xFilePicker.setDisplayDirectory("")
+ #xFilePicker.setMultiSelectionMode(True)
+ nResult = xFilePicker.execute()
+ if nResult == 1:
+ pass
+ #lFile = xFilePicker.getSelectedFiles()
+ #lFile = xFilePicker.getFiles()
+ else:
+ pass
+ self.xContainer.endExecute()
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # XJobExecutor
+ def trigger (self, args):
+ try:
+ dialog = DictOptions(self.ctx)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ def _loadOptions (self):
+ try:
+ xChild = self.xSettingNode.getByName("o_fr")
+ self.xGraphspell.State = xChild.getPropertyValue("graphspell")
+ self.xGraphspellSugg.State = xChild.getPropertyValue("graphspellsugg")
+ #self.xExtendedDic.State = xChild.getPropertyValue("extended_dic")
+ self.xPersonalDic.State = xChild.getPropertyValue("personal_dic")
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+#g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper()
+#g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation(DictOptions, 'net.grammalecte.graphspell.DictOptions', ('',))
ADDED gc_lang/fr/oxt/DictOptions/
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/DictOptions/
--- /dev/null
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/DictOptions/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+def getUI (sLang):
+ if sLang in dStrings:
+ return dStrings[sLang]
+ return dStrings["fr"]
+dStrings = {
+ "fr": {
+ "title": "Grammalecte · Options des dictionnaires",
+ "spelling_section": "Correcteur orthographique",
+ "activate_main": "Activer le correcteur orthographique de Grammalecte",
+ "activate_main_descr": "Supplante le correcteur orthographique inclus dans LibreOffice (Hunspell).",
+ "personal_section": "Dictionnaire personnel",
+ "activate_personal": "Utiliser",
+ "activate_personal_descr": "Le dictionnaire personnel est une commodité pour ajouter le vocabulaire qui vous est utile. Il ne supplante pas le dictionnaire commun ; il ne fait qu’ajouter de nouveaux mots.",
+ "import_personal": "Importer un dictionnaire personnel",
+ "import_button": "Importer",
+ "create_dictionary": "Vous pouvez créer un dictionnaire personnel avec l’extension Grammalecte pour Firefox ou Chrome.",
+ "suggestion_section": "Moteur de suggestion orthographique",
+ "activate_spell_sugg": "Activer le moteur de suggestion de Grammalecte",
+ "activate_spell_sugg_descr": "Désactivée, cette option remplace la suggestion orthographique de Grammalecte par celle fournie par LibreOffice (Hunspell). Les mots inclus dans le dictionnaire personnalisé ne seront plus inclus aux suggestions.",
+ "apply_button": "Appliquer",
+ "cancel_button": "Annuler",
+ },
+ "en": {
+ "title": "Grammalecte · Options for dictionaries",
+ "spelling_section": "Spell checker",
+ "activate_main": "Activate the spell checker from Grammalecte",
+ "activate_main_descr": "Overrides the spell checker included in LibreOffice (Hunspell)",
+ "personal_section": "Personal dictionary",
+ "activate_personal": "Use",
+ "activate_personal_descr": "The personal dictionary is a commodity to add the vocabulary you want. It doesn’t override the common dictionary ; it only adds new words.",
+ "import_personal": "Import a personal dictionary",
+ "import_button": "Import",
+ "create_dictionary": "You can create a personal dictionary with the Grammalecte addon for Firefox or Chrome.",
+ "suggestion_section": "Spell suggestion engine",
+ "activate_spell_sugg": "Activate the suggestion engine of Grammalecte",
+ "activate_spell_sugg_descr": "Disactivated, this option replace the spell suggestion engine of Grammalecte by the one of LibreOffice (Hunspell). Words included in the personal dictionary won’t be included among suggestions.",
+ "apply_button": "Apply",
+ "cancel_button": "Cancel",
+ },
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/Lexicographer/
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/Lexicographer/
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/Lexicographer/
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
return dStrings[sLang]
return dStrings["fr"]
dStrings = {
"fr": {
- "title": "Grammalecte · Recenseur",
+ "title": "Grammalecte · Recenseur de mots",
"list_section": "Calcul des occurrences des mots",
"count_button": "Compter tout",
"count2_button": "Compter par lemme",
"unknown_button": "Mots inconnus",
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
"tag_button": "Taguer",
"close_button": "Fermer",
"en": {
- "title": "Grammalecte · Enumerator",
+ "title": "Grammalecte · Enumerator of Words",
"list_section": "Words",
"count_button": "Count all",
"count2_button": "Count by lemma",
"unknown_button": "Unknown words",
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
@@ -383,17 +383,12 @@
for key, lWidget in self.dCheckboxWidgets.items():
w = getattr(self, key)
dOpt[w.Name] = w.State
for w in lWidget:
dOpt[w.Name] = w.State
- # get extension path
- xDefaultContext = self.ctx.ServiceManager.DefaultContext
- xPackageInfoProvider = xDefaultContext.getValueByName("/singletons/")
- sExtPath = xPackageInfoProvider.getPackageLocation("")
- sExtPath = sExtPath[8:] + "/pythonpath/" # remove "file:///"
- sExtPath = os.path.abspath(sExtPath)
# write file
+ sExtPath = helpers.getAbsolutePathOf("/pythonpath/")
if os.path.isfile(sExtPath):
hOpt = open(sExtPath, "w")
hOpt.write("dDefaultOpt = " + str(tf_options.dDefaultOpt) + "\n")
hOpt.write("dOpt = " + str(dOpt))
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/addons.xcu
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/addons.xcu
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/addons.xcu
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@
- ~Recenseur…
- ~Enumerator…
+ ~Recenseur de mots…
+ ~Enumerator of words…
@@ -134,10 +134,29 @@
+ service:net.grammalecte.AppLauncher?DI
+ ~Options des dictionnaires…
+ Dictionaries ~options…
+ _self
+ org.dicollecte.images:Frenchflag
@@ -152,19 +171,19 @@
DELETED gc_lang/fr/oxt/
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
-import uno
-import traceback
-from import PropertyValue
-# XRay - API explorer
-from import RuntimeException as _rtex
-def xray (myObject):
- try:
- sm = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
- mspf = sm.createInstanceWithContext("", uno.getComponentContext())
- scriptPro = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
- xScript = scriptPro.getScript("")
- xScript.invoke((myObject,), (), ())
- return
- except:
- raise _rtex("\nBasic library Xray is not installed", uno.getComponentContext())
-# MRI - API Explorer
-def mri (ctx, xTarget):
- try:
- xMri = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("mytools.Mri", ctx)
- xMri.inspect(xTarget)
- except:
- raise _rtex("\Python extension MRI is not installed", uno.getComponentContext())
-def getConfigSetting (sNodeConfig, bUpdate):
- "get a configuration node"
- # example: xNode = getConfigSetting("/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Path/Current", False)
- xSvMgr = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
- xConfigProvider = xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext("", uno.getComponentContext())
- xPropertyValue = uno.createUnoStruct("")
- xPropertyValue.Name = "nodepath"
- xPropertyValue.Value = sNodeConfig
- if bUpdate:
- sService = ""
- else:
- sService = ""
- return xConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(sService, (xPropertyValue,)) # return xNode
-def printServices (o):
- for s in o.getAvailableServiceNames():
- print(' > '+s)
-def getWindowSize ():
- "return main window size"
- xCurCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
- xDesktop = xCurCtx.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext('', xCurCtx)
- xContainerWindow = xDesktop.getCurrentComponent().CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
- xWindowSize = xContainerWindow.convertSizeToLogic(xContainerWindow.Size, uno.getConstantByName(""))
- #print(xContainerWindow.Size.Width, ">", xWindowSize.Width)
- #print(xContainerWindow.Size.Height, ">", xWindowSize.Height)
- xWindowSize.Width = xWindowSize.Width * 0.666
- xWindowSize.Height = xWindowSize.Height * 0.666
- return xWindowSize
@@ -84,10 +84,11 @@
# Extension files
hZip.writestr("META-INF/manifest.xml", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/manifest.xml", dVars))
hZip.writestr("description.xml", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/description.xml", dVars))
hZip.writestr("Linguistic.xcu", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/Linguistic.xcu", dVars))
hZip.writestr("", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("pythonpath/", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/", dVars))
for sf in dVars["extras"].split(","):
hZip.writestr(sf.strip(), helpers.fileFile(spLang + '/' + sf.strip(), dVars))
if "logo" in dVars.keys() and dVars["logo"].strip():